Years ago, when dogs were kept in the back yard, their manners left a lot to be
desired. This was not a big problem back then. Today, things are very different. As people have become more security conscious, they have brought their pets into the home. Along with this, they have discovered both the joys and the frustrations of having a loyal companion as part of the family.
Back yard behavior is no longer acceptable because it simply does not fit with today’s lifestyle. Just as small children must learn the proper way to behave,your dog must be taught how to become a family member and live by the family rules. And, just like most small children, most dogs want to please you. They just need to be taught how!
It’s all up to you! Start your training as soon as you get your puppy.
Stop unwanted behavior before it starts. Replace bad habits with good ones. If you’re having a problem with training, get some coaching from a Certified Professional!

Pro Dog Training is committed to helping you become a “proactive” partner with your dog.
We believe in training at your home because that is where your dog lives and learns how to become part of your family. That is also where behavior problems, if left untreated, will
cause the most disruption for you and your family. If your dog is trained at another location,
it does not always relate the same training to the home environment.
We believe that our gentle and consistent in-home training taught with positive reinforcement is much more effective in helping you and your dog enjoy years of enjoyment and companionship together.
Kids and Their Pets:
Is Training Really Necessary? |

An experienced start to training promotes a win-win outcome for everyone. To prevent or to extinguish unwanted behavior, you and your dog can be professionally trained at your home by experienced certified trainers recognized by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers as Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) .
Pro Dog Training offers a complete line of puppy and adult
training programs, including on and off lead training. We begin by assessing your expectations and developing a plan, with you, to address your unique dog's training needs.

Our approach to training with C.A.R.E. creates a positive and successful experience for you and your dog.. 